Site icon 360, A FINN Partners Company

Support Your Local

Liquid gold

Guinness, Jameson, Baileys—Irish drinks brands are some of the world’s most renowned.

Drinks businesses, like pubs, drive Irish tourism and provide spaces for local communities to socialise and do business, particularly in rural parts of the country.

Despite this fame and fortune, and the contribution of the drinks industry to many facets of Irish life, our businesses and consumers are burdened with the second-highest alcohol excise tax in the EU. 


A price to pay

Steep levies are pushing pubs, breweries, and other drinks businesses to the brink.

To help bring them back, 360 partnered with the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland to refresh their long-running Support Your Local campaign.

Supporting local business

To ensure decision-makers grasped the full contribution of the drinks industry to Ireland’s economy and society, 360 developed an intelligent communications campaign combining public affairs, media relations, events, and editorial, digital, and social content informed by independent economic data.

To achieve lasting cut-through, 360’s take on Support Your Local has focused on telling the stories of the people behind Ireland’s drinks businesses, like the publican providing a communal space for their rural community or the new distillery bringing jobs to a post-recession country town.

Recognised achievements

Through 360’s intelligent communications campaign of public affairs, media relations, and editorial, digital, and social content, we’ve helped drive massive public awareness of the drinks industry’s contribution to Ireland, and inspired deep media and political analysis of its challenges and obstacles.

Since our partnership with the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland began, excise tax on alcohol has not been raised.

Work with us

Get in touch today to see how we can use intelligent communications to bring your message to life.

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