Heather-Ann Cody

13th March 2020

Brand SOS: how organisations can adapt to the coronavirus

The coronavirus has created an unexpected dynamic for business and brands. Adapting now is crucial.

05th September 2019

Build stronger relationships by connecting communications

In an always-on world, successfully delivering an impactful message means building connections.

14th February 2019

V-Day or D-Day? Why real customer relationships still matter

AI and tech are convenient, but human customers still crave human interactions. Brands must strike a balance between the two.

11th January 2019

Take a stand or stand down: the value of social purpose

The 2019 consumer is socially conscious. Brands that find their social purpose will resonate with customers and grow the bottom line.

27th February 2018

Intelligent comms: the secret to successful brand PR

The brand PR landscape has seen rapid change and development in recent years. Have a read of our top tips on how to stay ahead.